All Inclusive Life

Osho's Dynamic MEditation

our schedule

We are located at the Greensboro Cultural Center, studio 413 in Downtown Greensboro 

200 N Davie St. Greensboro, NC 

Cost: $20.00 

the practice

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Osho’s Dynamic Meditations are an attempt to help decrease the amount of unwanted energy and tension created by  our modern lifestyle. Dynamic meditations are a modern approach to a modern problem- Suppression of emotional and creative energy. 

The different steps of Dynamic Meditation are designed to facilitate  cathartic release through breathing techniques, unrestricted movements and vocalizations, while maintaining full awareness of the process as it unfolds. The goal of this method  is to become a little more silent, a little more restful, it is  a preparation for sitting meditation. yet on its own, this practice can reduce stress levels and bring about a sense of relief. 


the five stages of dynamic meditation


1. Chaotic Breathing – As fast and as deeply as it is possible, using your body to help you and with full awareness of the experience. 

2. Catharsis – Follow your body give your body freedom to express whatever is there…. EXPLODE!… Let your body take over. Let go of everything that needs to be thrown out. Go totally mad… sing, scream, laugh, cry, jump, shake, dance, kick and throw yourself around. 

3. Mantra – Jump up and down, shouting the mantra HOO, HOO, HOO! give it all you have, exhaust yourself completely.

4. Stillness –  Stop, freeze where you are in whatever position you find yourself. be a witness of all that happens inside of you. 

5. Celebration – Music plays, dance and celebrate, express whatsoever is there 



Dynamic Meditation has been proven to decrease cortisol levels in the body due to the process of catharsis involved in the practice, giving participants a sense of relief, higher resistance to illness and better management of anger and anxiety. Read more about the study here

osho's legacy

Osho’s main message was to unapologetically live according to what is important to each individual, allow their own spontaneity and joy, act by direct experience and remain a witness of the contents of their mind. 

Osho created dynamic meditation and other active meditations which have been practiced by thousands of people around the world, helping them move towards a balanced, playful and inclusive relationship with life. His practices and talks remain long after his death, and will continue to assist people in finding their own personal path. 

Have questions? let us know.