All Inclusive Life


Greensboro – High Point, NC 

All ages, body types and skill levels are welcome to Hatha yoga. Allowing yourself to get in touch with your body’s current capabilities and respecting it’s needs is important for a safe and effective experience during practice. Unless otherwise specified, group classes are open to all skill levels. 

classes available


do you need to stretch and relax?

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Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is an ancient branch of yoga where the body is given training through postures (also known as asanas) to achieve health and steadiness. Hatha yoga includes several limbs that support and complement the asanas we all know. The goal of Hatha yoga is to achieve a state of integrated health, and to facilitate the experience of meditation.

 The benefits of this practice are noticeable in the body, the mind and our state of awareness. Hatha yoga is a complete practice and when done correctly it can become a sustaining tool for a heathier system, and a deeper appreciation and experience of life.  


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The limbs of yoga

A traditional hatha yoga class is practiced with all it’s elements – asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha and meditation. These limbs are methods to achieve higher attention, energy levels, steadiness and relaxation. Moving into a posture  and staying with each one for a number of breaths is one of the main characteristics of this practice. 

Occasionally we will mention the philosophy of yoga and it’s recommendations for a good practice and health. 

Meet Leslie

I am Leslie Tello and I am a certified yoga instructor, committed yoga practitioner and student of Ayurveda. As a practitioner I value the methods of classical yoga and I believe it can greatly enhance a person’s quality of life. From a serene breath in, to an advanced  handstand, yoga is available to all.  My classes are open to everyone, regardless of age, body type, religion, philosophy or skill. Yoga is a highly effective system and I am happy to assist others with developing a practice of their own.

See you in class. 

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